Dear Baby,
Here's a quick update on what's been going on in our lives.
I felt you move for the first time about ten days ago, when I was 17 weeks (the earliest of any of my pregnancies). They're still just really little movements that I can only feel every once in a while, but it's still so nice knowing you're there.
I went in for my second appointment about a month ago. That's when I was supposed to be able to hear your heart for the first time, so Dad came with me. I don't know if you were just hiding or what, but they had a couple of people check for the heart beat and couldn't find it. Not the funnest thing. But then the doctor came in and did an ultrasound to check on everything, and you were doing just fine. It was so, so good to hear your heartbeat and so fun to get to see you!
I was supposed to have another doctor's appointment last week, but life is kind of crazy right now. There's a virus going around that we have to be really careful not to get so we've all been encouraged to stay inside so the doctor didn't want me to come to the office if I didn't have to. So I missed getting to hear your heart again, but it's nice being able to feel you move. I'll get to schedule an ultrasound to find out what you are and make sure everything's going well.
I love you, Baby!!! Keep growing big and strong.