Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020

Dear Baby,

We've made it to 32 weeks - 2 months to go!  I went to a doctor's appointment last week and found out my due date officially changed to August 31 rather than September 4.  I've decided to have a c-section which they can do a week before my due date, so I'm getting everything scheduled for August 24.  I can't believe things have moved so quickly!  I'm getting super excited but still have a ton of stuff to get ready before you come.

As you continue to grow and this pregnancy goes on, I keep thinking of all of the differences between you and your brother and sister.  Both of their pregnancies were super similar and yours has not been like theirs at all.  This is mostly for my remembrance, but here's a list of differences:

-I finally passed my glucose test on the first try!!!  I've never been able to do that before.  I always pass it on the second but still have to take it.  I have no idea what the difference was this time, but I'm just fine with it.
-We've made it to (almost) 33 weeks without any problems.  There have been times I couldn't feel you, but I've never had to go to the hospital.  By this time with Ari and Charlie I'd already been to the hospital a couple times for different things.  I'm nervous even writing this because I don't want to jinx it, but I really feel like everything will go normally this time.
-Even though I had problems feeling both Ari and Charlie move at different times, they moved so differently than you.  You are fairly inconsistent, and I think that's why I was quickly able to figure out there was a problem with them.  Sometimes you don't move at all when I expect you to and others you move like the craziest baby ever.  There have been multiple times I've seen different parts of you pop up out of my stomach.  It's pretty crazy!
-I'm still sick (which didn't happen with the others).  But if I take my medicine I feel pretty good.
-I could be remembering things differently, but I feel like I've been sleeping better with you than I did with Ari or Charlie.  With Charlie and I had a ton of body pillows I'd have to sleep with and take with me whenever we traveled.  With you, I just sleep with a small pillow and have been able to sleep pretty well.
-I also feel like I haven't been nearly as emotional this time around.  I cried A LOT with Ari and Charlie at the most random things or nothing at all and even though I still cry every once in a while, it's definitely not as much and feels quite a bit more justified.

I can't wait to meet you, Babycita!  We already love so much!



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