Saturday, August 15, 2020

August 10, 2020

Dear Babycita,

We're down to 2 weeks!!!  We're all so excited for you to come!  We're super close, and I'm still feeling fairly good.  I wanted to write down how I'm feeling to remember for another time.

-I'm still sleeping pretty good.  I wake up quite a few times throughout the night to go to the bathroom, but other than that, I'm usually pretty comfortable and don't spend too much time awake at night.

-My heartburn isn't bad at all.  I sometimes take Tums before I go to sleep, but I usually feel pretty good.  I was planning on getting a recliner for the last two months of pregnancy (mostly based on my last two pregnancies), but I haven't had to worry about that at all.

-I can still breathe good.  With Ari and Charlie the way they were positioned was high enough that towards the end of my pregnancies it was kind of hard to breathe and I got tired really easily.  But you must be positioned just perfectly that I haven't had any problems with that at all.

-I still rarely wear maternity pants.  That's mostly because I have this one pair of shorts that surprisingly still fit pretty comfortably with just a pants extender and I hate wearing the stretchy part of maternity pants over my stomach.  I do wear them every once in a while but mostly when I'm washing my regular shorts and need something else.

I love you so much, Baby!  I can't wait to meet you!



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