Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 24, 2021

 Dear Nora,

You're eight months old!

You're not crawling yet, but I can tell you're wanting to get around more and get your toys, so I think you're close.  You can now roll back and forth on your stomach and back.  You can push yourself up on your hands, and you're pretty close to getting up on your knees.

You got your first tooth last week!  At the beginning of April you started getting a runny nose without being sick in any other way, so I thought maybe it was coming.  And then last week I checked your mouth and could feel it popping through.  And now you have another one right next to it!

You can now feed yourself, which is pretty nice!

You continue to find your voice more and more.  You still are usually pretty happy, but you've started being a little more vocal to let us know you're there or when you're not getting exactly what you want.  You've learned you can just scream or be really loud without just crying.

We love you sweet Noralee!



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