Dear Nora,
You're 10 months old today!
Since my last update, you've become quite a bit more mobile, but I still can't completely say you can crawl. About a month ago you started scooting around. And about two weeks ago you figured out you can move your knees too. But you can still get somewhere much faster by scooting, so even though sometimes you try to crawl, if there's something you really want, you can move those arms pretty quickly. Your arms are going to be so buff soon haha. You've started pulling yourself up, as well, so there's a part of me that thinks you may not crawl very much and go to walking soon.
You still have only two teeth. I think you may be having more come in soon. Even with only your two, you enjoy food quite a bit. Your newest favorite is veggie straws, which Ari loves as well so she's happy that I'm buying them more. You also love yogurt.
You're getting more vocal and squeaky and love to hear your voice. You're very good at letting us know when you're upset or need something, but that doesn't really happen very often and you're happy almost all of the time. You still love to smile and laugh. You love playing with Ari and Charlie and get so excited when you haven't seen them for a while and they show up.
We love you, Nora!
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