Monday, November 30, 2020

November 30, 2020

 Dear Nora,

You're three months old, and I can definitely tell you're getting older.

You are such a smiley, happy girl!  You smile all of the time.  There are lots of times when I feed you in the morning that it takes a little bit of extra time because you can't stop smiling and focus on eating.  You haven't stated to completely laugh yet, but I can tell you're really, really close.  You coo all of the time and love talking to us.

You still are on a great schedule and sleep super well.  You eat 5 ounces about every three hours and take naps in between.

I haven't weighed you in a while, and I don't think you've gained a ton of weight, but I can tell you're getting a little bigger.

I've started putting you in the bumbo to sit up.  You still need a little help and can't sit for too long, but I can tell you like it so much more than just laying down all of the time.

Even though you're still so small and can't interact much, you provide all of us a ton of entertainment.  In the mornings, I usually will feed you and then while I'm getting ready I put you out in the family room to play.  Usually Ari and Charlie will immediately gather around you and play with you or by you the rest of the morning until you go to sleep.  Charlie loves, loves to lay by you and hold your hand.  Ari loves to see you smile and hold you.

You came with us to get your first Christmas tree, and you did amazingly well!  You slept on the way there, so you were super happy and awake when we went outside.  I put you in the carrier and your little snowsuit and because you're getting older I carried you in the holder so you were facing out.  I'm pretty sure you loved it!  You didn't cry at all, and we probably could have stayed outside a little while longer.

We love you, Noralee!



Monday, November 2, 2020

November 2, 2020

 Dear Noralee,

We've made it to two months!

You are such a sweet, super easy going baby.  We love having you in our home!  You have a great brother and sister who take such good care of you.  If you're every crying they always make sure Dad or I are taking care of the situation or try to solve the problem themselves.  They love to snuggle and hold you and help feed and burp you.

I don't want to jinx this by writing this down, but you are an amazing sleeper!  Like, super, super good.  You already usually sleep through the night.  Sometimes Dad will put your pacifier in, but we don't have to feed you.  It's so, so nice!

You went to your two-month appointment last week, and you are growing and doing great!

You went on your first big trip, and, of course, did amazing.  We went to St. George a couple of weekends ago, and you fit into our family just great by being able to be in the car for a long time.  We had a fun weekend and it was so nice enjoying some warmer weather.

You had your first Halloween.  You were Toad from Mario because Mario is Charlie's absolute favorite thing at the moment.

I really don't have much else to update you on because all you really do all day is eat, sleep, and poop, which is just fine by me.

We love you so much, Nornor!

