Monday, January 4, 2021

January 4, 2021

 Dear Noralee,

You're four months old!  Sometimes writing these posts can be a little boring and there's not much to add month to month, but I can tell from here on out there's going to be a lot to add as you continue to grow and learn new things.

You smile ALL THE TIME.  You are so happy!  You really don't cry that much.  Yesterday was your blessing day and just because of everything going on we were a little more aware of your schedule and how things were going.  You cried two times the whole day.  Two times!  You're such a sweet princess!

You're still an amazing sleeper.  We just barely moved you into your own room last night, and both Dad and I would have been perfectly fine to let you keep sleeping with us because we hardly ever hear you in the middle of the night (because I'm pretty sure you don't even make any noises in the middle of the night).  Dad and I were a little sad to not have you with us last night, but we know you have to grow up at some point.

You're starting to use your hands a lot more.  You're learning to put your binky back in by yourself.  You love sucking on your hands, especially your thumb when you can figure out how to get it in your mouth.  You're not super reliant on your pacifier, so I'm wondering if at some point you'll get rid of it on your own and go to your thumb.  We'll see.

We celebrated our first Christmas with you!  You got to join in on all of our Christmas traditions, celebrations, and activities.  You came to the mountains with us to get our tree and stayed awake in the carrier the whole time and seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.  You were baby Jesus in the Nativity on Christmas Eve, and did a great job!  On Christmas Day, you fell asleep half way through opening your presents, but I think you still had a good day.

You are a very easy going baby and don't complain too much, but here are some things you don't like:

-boogers.  You always scratch at your nose when you can feel something in there.

-poopy diapers.

-being alone.  You usually cry if you're awake and no one's around to look at or entertain you.

Love you, Nor Nora!



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